Monday, 2 June 2014

Bremer Bay

 Sun 1st June  Bremer Bay

We had a fairly big day of driving, travelling from Esperance to near Albany. We drove through miles of coastal vegetation with lots of banksias, many with fresh blooms mixed in with the old ones.  Then we came out into a big wheat farming area and the sides of the roads had pincushion hakeas in flower, broom with their bright yellow flowers, low bushes covered in white flowers that looked like snow and even smaller bushes covered in tiny bright red flowers. And this is only winter, imagine what it will be like in the spring.
The hardest part of the trip was the uneven road surface. Although the road looked okay it was quite rough and there were ups and downs for a big part of the journey.
We had planned to look for a campsite in the Fitzgerald National Park, but it was getting a bit late to enter unknown territory with four caravans and no map, so we booked into a very nice caravan park at Bremer Bay. We had large grassy sites and there were only a couple of other campers this side of the camping ground. They were both friendly couples and told us about the whale viewing platform at Ann Point. Apparently this is another place similar to the Head of the Bight where the whales come in to calve and there is a new viewing platform that has just been built.

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